I just wanted to get a little advice from anyone who else as this rare condition, as I understand it's not very common and there's only 400 families worldwide that have this. I would like to know how you or someone you know who also has this and how they feel/been affected by it in their life.
I F28 and currently 12 weeks pregnant and have known about this hereditary condition all my life, my CFR is 44. My brother M31, Dad M58 and other members of family on my dad's side have/had this gene mutation. They all vary from person to person as I feel 'normal' and have hardly any symptoms other than High Blood Pressure, whereas my brother suffers with Gout and my dad had a Kidney Transplant nearly 30 years ago and is doing okay.
I am worried that my baby also may have this condition, as I know this is only a 50/50 chance but I'm praying for a positive outcome. I am thinking about a CVS (Chronic Villus Sampling) and would need one soon as they start testing around 12+weeks. I am thinking of all possible outcomes, If I continue this pregnancy even though the baby does have this condition, what would their life be like, and would they be worse off than I am? Is it selfish of me to do this?
Sorry for babbling on, but I needed to get these thoughts and feelings off my chest and get some advice on this. I know the discission is entirely up to me, but I can't help but think of all the negative outcomes.